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Saturday, November 28, 2009

We do everything as well as we can.

“The Balinese have a saying: We have no art. We do everything as well as we can.”
-Marshall McLuhan, The medium is the massage.

Perovskite World, Confocal Microscope

Stain Glass, Optical Microscope

Shampoo, Optical Microscope

T-junction, Optical Microscope

Blanketed, Electron Microscope

Cracked, Confocal Microscope

The Street Where You Live, Confocal Microscope

Delamination, Confocal Microscope

Birds Home, Confocal Microscope


  1. "The Street Where You Live" looks organic, almost like a vein within tissue. Although the blobs in the vein are too small to be RBCs. Do you know what this picture is of? Thanks!

    1. Hi! Yes, that picture is organic, but not derived from anything living, it is a porous polymer film, the pores are showing up as the blobs, and the film has been cut with a laser, causing the "street" the barely visible scale bar in the picture is 20 micrometers. Check out http://jspechler.blogspot.com/2015/09/liberating-light-trapped-inside-white.html for information on how I use these films like this in my research. Sorry for the long overdue response! Josh



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